SDK-01 MK PLOT ( )


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Counting-dosing complex SDK-01 MK PLOT

This unit can be used for loading of specified dose of oilproduct into cistern or tank using indirect method of measurement of volume/mass.

Smart solution in comparison to high-priced mass flowmeter.



  1. Power block located directly at loading point, simplifyes power cable lying.
  2. Densitometer PLOT 3B-2.
  3. Up to 12 loading points using one SDK unit.
  4. Safety during loading operations. Overflow control, grounding control, work and parking position sensors etc.
  5. -diagnosable, displaying of current parameters of electrical equipment(flowmeter, pump, valve, grounding, sensors).
  6. Measurement of mass and volume of loading product.
  7. Transferring information to PC. Automatic counting of loaded product by mass and by volume. Export of reports to customer's database.